Tutor Portal

What is it?

The Tutor Portal is our centralised, secure platform in which tutors can view all their current active tuitions, and in which the tutor manages their session activities with their students, in terms of scheduling and cancelling sessions, submitting reports and safeguarding concerns.

What can I use it For?

Tutors use the Tutor Portal to view details of their active tuitions, seeing details such as the subject, the hours per week, and keeping track of the hours delivered and the hours remaining.

In addition, the tutors use the Tutor Portal to manage their session activities with their students, such as scheduling, rescheduling and cancelling sessions, as well as submitting session reports, raising any issues and reporting safeguarding concerns.

Where can I find my login details?

Tutors receive their Tutor Portal login details from the Equal Education Support team. Please contact support@equaleducation.co.uk should you have any questions.

Access the Tutor Portal

There are three easy ways to access the Tutor Portal:

  1. By visiting https://equaleducation2.my.site.com/s/

  2. Through the link ‘Launch Tutor Portal’ listed below.

  3. Using the link in the New Tuition email (which is the email in which we confirm the tuition details for a new student a tutor has agreed to take on).

If you are having issues when launching the portal, please try using an incognito window (right click the button and choose ‘Open link in incognito window’)